What sector is the business (choose as many as you like)
For Other Business Sector (Please specify)
Is the business
For Other Business Details (Please specify)
Present day approximate number of staff
Please give a brief overview of your company (Please provide any further notes such as what you do/produce, specialisms, locations, stakeholders, or partner businesses.
What is the main message that you wish your website to convey? (If you have an existing content strategy, please include your key messaging from that strategy here.)
Tell us about your target audience & users (Try your best to describe the type of people or key demographic that the website will be targeted at.)
What online user activity would you define as a “success”?
Website Goals
For New Websites: What are the goals of the new website (Please provide us with an idea of the overall website goals
For Existing Websites: If you are revamping an existing site, what are your reasons for doing so?
Other Reason Please specify
What are the major pain points that users have described on the current website?
Are there existing processes (such as billing, invoicing and content management) that could be streamlined or improved?
List a few competitor or similar websites you like (try providing a short list of links with reference notes for each of them)
List any other websites you like (which other sites have great designs that you like? These can be completely unrelated to your business, purely for design reference.)
Do you have any other opinions about the “Look& Feel” of your site? (Following on from looking at your competitors, or pages that you like – try and describe the “look & feel” of the new site. (Option to upload files at the end)
A few Design focused questions
Do you have a logo/branding to use on the new site?
Other Branding Details (Please specify)
What design features do you like on other websites?
What design features do you dislike the most?
Do you have your own photography or imagery for the site?
Other, please specify...
Will the site be ecommerce?
28. Are there any specific technical features or requirements? For example: User logins, API integration, Sales CRM Integration, Data exporting etc.
a. API integrations
b. Sales CRM integration
c. Data exporting
d. Preferred payment gateway
e. Is there a specific platform it needs to tie in with?
f. Do you have a preferred CMS?
Site Map and Content
Approximately how many pages will the website have? (Including individual product pages for e-commerce, blog posts, resources etc.)
Please list the major features that need to be included in the new website
Do you have a sitemap already drawn up? (There will be an option to upload any files at the end)
Other (Please Specify) ...
Do you have content (text copy) ready for the new website?
Other (Please Specify) ...
Will the website be multi-lingual?
How often do you think you will be updating content on the website? Adding blog posts, updating service information, changing photos, adding descriptions etc.
Anything else we should know about your content requirements?
Hosting and supporting requirements
Will you require
How much support do you think you’ll require? For help with things like making small changes, uploading new content, help with orders, making updates etc.
Digital marketing and SEO
If you already have marketing plans in place, it can be helpful to summarise them here
How important do you think new visitors will be to the success of the website? 0 no importance, 10 vitally important
Will you require help with any of the following? (When the website is live, we can help you with digital marketing and SEO – choose as many as you like
Other details
How do we measure your success? How will you judge the success of the new website? Do you have sales or visitor targets?
What’s your deadline? If there is a deadline by which you need the new website live by, please let us know below
How many decision makers will be involved in the project?
Who is the point of contact for questions surrounding the project brief?
What’s your budget – we require guideline budgets so that we can best plan how your money can be spent to achieve your website goals
Anything else to add – Final notes
Upload files
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Where did you hear about Iconic Collective
Other (please specify)
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